Spanish4Lawyers- How far can you walk without resting?

This blog was created to assist attorneys communicate better with their Spanish speaking clients. In the last few posts, we have been reviewing questions that a Judge at a Social Security hearing might ask.  Once such question is “How far can you walk without resting?”

In Spanish:  “Qué distancia puede caminar sin descansar?”

As always let’s break this down.  “Qué” is “what”. “Distancia” is “distance”.  “Puede” is “can you?”  “Caminar” is “to walk”.  “Sin” is “without”.
“Descansar” is “to rest”.

Here is the audio:

How far can you walk?

Since this post deals with walking, I thought I would find you some funny pedestrian road signs.  See below.

Copyright, 2012, Jeff Scholnick, Esq and Law Offices of Jeffrey R. Scholnick, P.A.  All rights reserved.

Spanish4Lawyers- How do you say in Spanish “How far did you go in school?”

This is a blog to help attorneys communicate better with their Spanish speaking clients. The last few posts were devoted to the days of the week.  Let’s now return to questions that an attorney might ask as part of the intake interview.  One of those questions that often is asked is “How far did you go in school?”

In Spanish: “Hasta qué grado escolar estudio?’

Let’s break this sentence down.  “Hasta” means “until”.  “Qué” is “what”.  “Grado” is “grade” or “degree”.  “Escolar” is “school”.   “Estudio” is “study” when referring to you, he or she.  “Estudio” is from the root word, which is “estudiar.”

Here is how this question sounds when asked by Lucy Pardo:

How far in school?

Copyright, 2011, Jeff Scholnick, Esq and Law Offices of Jeffrey R. Scholnick.  All rights reserved.